I wanted to post about my journey building my XR-1. At the end of 2022 I purchased the Youbionic X1 to try and make a bipedal robot and quickly found that I needed to make changes to the design to better support bipedal working.

This is when I found Chris having the same desire as me to have a robot of this scale that could walk. He already built the X1 and found many of it’s short comings so we worked together to try a redesign/remix of the X1 and called it the XR-1 once we started this process it was clear it was a completely new design. We wanted to be able to share with others. Although my core XR-1 is the new XR-1 design some of my build contains remixes I made just for my build. Once our download section is completed I will post my remixed parts so anyone that wants them can have them.
Everything is subject to change as I get more and more into this build. Currently my goal is to use the SYNTHIAM ARC application package installed on my onboard Morefine M6S PC running Windows 11 Pro as the main control system in my build. I will have a 4 port USB hub connected to the PC and I will design servo power distribution boards for each hand and head with Arduino Nano's all these boards will be connected to the PC by USB. I we be developing a standard robot control board that will go inside the robot using two Mega Pro's. More on that in the future.
Please check back regularly for updates!!
Last Updated 05/17/2024
Equipment Used:
Bambu X1 Carbon 3d Printer
Bench DC Power Supply
Servo Tester
Basic Hand Tools
Soldering Iron
Software Used:
Tinker CAD
Sharpr 3D
Bambu Labs Slicer
Electronics Used:
1 Morefine M6S Mini PC (Windows11 Pro)
1 5 Inch HDMI-compatible Capacitive Touch Screen 5.0" LCD Display
3 Arduino Nano's
1 PCA9685 Servo Controller
2 Arduino Mega Pro's
2 4 Port USB hub
1 MPU 6050
1 On/Off Switch
2 USB Cameras
2 1" Speakers
3 Custom control boards
2 10cm USB-C cables.
1 Short Mirco USB cable for the head
2 USB-C cables for connecting the hands
Servos Used:
9 - Head
3 - Torso
7 - R Arm
7 - L Arm
6 - R Hand
6 - L Hand
6 - R Leg
6 - L Leg
51 total
19 150Kg-180 high torque Digital Servo
2 150Kg-270 high torque Digital Servo
21 18T- Metal disk Servo Wheels
12 JX-PDI 1109MG Servos for the Hands
6 HS-40 Servos used in the Head Eye Flaps
1 MG90 Servo for Head Radar
3 35KG Servos For the Neck & Head
Supplies Used:
5 Black PLA+ Sunlu Printer Filament
6 Grey PLA+ Sunlu Printer Filament
1 White PLA+ Sunlu Printer Filament
1 Copper PLA+ Sunlu Printer Filament
1 Clear PLA Sunlu Printer Filament
1 CA Glue
Assorted Servo Extension Cables
Assorted Screws
The Head
The head of my XR-1 is fashioned after the Jonny Five robot. It has three servos to facilitate the rotation of the head and also the tilt. In the head I have mounted six servos to control the eye flap an Arduino Nano control board attached to PCA9685 Servo Controller, a four port USB hub, audio amp with two speakers, LED array for the mouth, USB mic array and two USB cameras.
The following is the new head that I am using in my build.

The Torso
The torso has been under development and the new main board has been added to it as seen below.

The new MK2 version is a much stronger core for the robot and I suggest you make the upgrade when you can.
I have added the arms and wrists and I have to say these seem to be very capable and strong Chris did a great job designing these and with the bearings they move really smooth.

Chris and I thought we should have a display of some type on the XR1 with a touch interface that we could leverage in the future. So Chris was good enough to develop a new PC mount with a display mount included. Below you can see what it looks like.

The is a look at the chest cover Chris came up with for the display.

I have been working on hand options for the XR1 and developed a two finger claw and also a three finger claw options. I think in my build I will be using my remix of the YB hand as seen below:

I still have to install the touch sensors and the right hand will be done.
This is the latest picture of the base. I am printing up some of the electronics mounts so I can get the rest of this put together.
Great job!!
I have been making progress on the new track base unit as you can see by the pictures.
The below is the front lidar installed.
This is a more current view of the design. I have added two Lidar's to support navigation. At this point I have completed the design and printed all the parts and I have started to put things together. I will post more pictures as things come together.
I am also working to design a Track base option for the XR1 which is kind of based on the Johnny 5 style track look. The following is the design concept at this point.
I am still designing it as I text this. I am currently printing the parts that the design is done on.
I have 18 more tracks to print but it looks like I am going to need another roll of filament. I needed to make some changes on the frames so I could print it on my Bambu printer.
I have also got a lot of simulated electric parts that get mounted on it also and other covers not pictured above. I still have screws and bearings coming from China that I aim also waiting on to assemble the tracks.
The plan is to build the tracks and the lower section that the tracks mount make sure that works and then work my way up.
I made a mount that allows you to mount the upper torso to a stool base so you can extend the arms while testing the upper body.
If anyone wants the STL's let me know.
I have been working on a new Jonny 5 remix head concept for my build.
I have been doing some thinking and I am going to replace the IOTiny in the head with a Arduino Nano so I can have it hard wired to the SCB rather than using WiFi.
I need to design another nano servo distribution board for it.
Well I am going to need you to make me a new top cover for the hands to hold them.
Update: 12/7/2023
I ordered the NANO boards for the XR1 hands so we will see how that goes.. After testing if they are ok I will put the gerber file out in the downloads so others can order it..
That's looking so good Shawn! Thanks for sharing, such neat clean work amazing. Loving this idea.
Wow! looking and sounding great Shawn this information will definitely help allot of people in the group. Thanks for sharing.